Tel: 01453 890720  |  Halmers End, Coaley, Glos. GL11 5DT


What makes Tilt & Turn such a good choice

The opening and closing mechanism is what makes tilt and turn-style windows so different from most other styles currently on the market. The unique way in which they can be opened and closed offers a number of important benefits:

  • As Little or as Much Ventilation as You Need –  If you purchase tilt and turn windows from Shire Energy Solutions Limited to install in your home, you can look forward to having a choice of opening actions: horizontal or vertical. If you just want to let a little air into the room, you can crack open these windows at the top. On the other hand, if you would like as much air as possible to enter the room, or you are trying to observe something outside that can be seen more clearly without double glazing between it and you, these windows can be pulled open in a sideways motion as well, allowing you to fully open them whenever you desire.
  • Ideal for Small Balconies – In addition to offering both a horizontal and vertical opening action, these windows open inwards rather than outwards, which makes them ideal for rooms with windows that look out onto narrow balconies or terraces. Even if you have quite a generously-proportioned balcony or terrace, you will find the inward opening action of tilt and turn windows allows you to make better use of the available outdoor space.
  • Easy to Clean Without Outside Assistance – Windows that open inwards rather than outwards are much easier for homeowners to clean. No need to invest in a ladder or worry about the safety issues that using it to access windows in upper storeys involves: simply pull each window toward you then clean it quickly and safely. This is a particularly important benefit for those who live in apartments or multi-storey houses and wish to take care of their own windows.

If you have never heard of tilt and turn windows before or you are not quite sure how they actually work, we invite you to call for a chat whenever you have a few minutes to spare. If you like the sound of them, you can request a free quotation. If they are not quite what you are looking for, we will of course be more than happy to make alternative recommendations should you desire.

Get a FREE quote

For a free no obligation quote for new windows or doors call 01453 890720 or email

Alternatively simply fill out the form to send us a message.

Shire Energy
Solutions Limited
Halmers End
Glos. GL11 5DT

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